I've worked in the medical field for a little over a 2 yrs and have been an RN for less than 6months and my question is.....Why can't every patient be a STAR patient? I have worked the last 3 nights, my nights have been descent as far as workload goes; I've been busy, but not completely overwhelmed to where I want to quit my job after the night is over (this thought frequents my head after many tough nights at Union Hospital). The thing is with the exception of one patient with drug seeking habits who wanted morphine IV every 2hrs on the 2hrs, I had 4 awesome patients, who listened to everything I said, not because they wanted to, but because they wanted to feel better and they trusted me because I was their nurse. If I said turn, cough, deep breath, walk, do your incentive spirometer, and take this medicaiton, thats exactly what they would do. I had one patient, in particular who was drinking go litely in preparation for a colonscopy. For those of you who arent familar with this drink, it is a 1 gallon jug of nasty, salty fluid which flushes your system as a means of clearing your stool and making you poop all night long. AKA a diaster waiting to happen. Anyways, this patient who had been ordered this "go litely" grimiced while drinking and/or even thinking about drinking this drink. About 2 oclock this patient was soooo bloated and sick that I was afraid it was all going come back up, and unfortunately stool was still not clear enough. I just kept on telling this patient, do the best that you can, thats all we can do. This patient kept on a drinking and by the end of the night it was ALMOST gone. The next obstacle I had was an IV stick on this same patient. This patient was an awful stick, had been stuck several times, and had 2 successful IV's that went bad within only a couple of days, so I KNEW that when I went to look (for a vein) it wasn't goin be pretty, but this patient was so positive and comforting. This patient kept saying, Megan you can get it, i have faith in you, i am fine don't worry about me, ohhh i hate being such a nusense to you, thank you so much for your care, etc.........THIS IS WHAT KEEPS A NURSE in business. Hate to toot my own horn, but I did get this patient an IV, not a butterfly, but a whopping 2o gauge needle, woooot woooo! This patient was precious as can be, a matter a fact when I left this morning I asked myself, why can't all my patients be like this one? Besides being an angel, I learned a lot from this patient both medically and about life. Thank you star patient! Also thank you co-workers. I work with such a great group of people. I could not do it without them and I count my lucky stars everyday because of the people I work with; my co-workers and of course my star patients are what get me through the night.