Hope everyone had a great Easter. I had a blast! Started my day out by picking up my grumpy granny at the old folks home. We walked out the door of her room and she sits down on her walker, I said, "Grandmother, were not going to get anywhere with you sitting on your walker." (Take note: I had only slept for maybe 3hrs, so I could've been a little testy) She responds, "I thought you would push me out to the car." As I tell many of patients whom are lazy, "Grandmother you are completely capable of trotting your hiney out the door." With a very ugly look and a grunt, we made it out to the Nitro. Needless to say, she was grumpy with me all day. Didn't bother me much though, shes always grumpy, and besides that how silly would I have looked pushing her out on a walker. Hence the name W-a-l-k-e-r, not p-u-s-h-e-r.
Anyways, the rest of the day was great. Mom and Aunt Kim made a great dinner including ham, scalloped potatoes, corn pudding, deviled eggs, yeast rolls, several desserts including my favorite Robert Redford (RR), take note: I only got one piece because most of my family are very selfish and don't care about me receiving my hard earned RR. The kids really enjoyed the Easter egg hunt and riding their four wheelers around the yard, and I enjoyed watching. I've got lots of pics I'd like to post, but I am house sitting and don't have the equipment to share.
Today, my sister, mom, coy (my nephew), Brooklyn (my niece), and myself loaded up and headed to Indy for some Chuckie Cheese action. It was a great time had by all. Brooklyn is 4 yo and she got 3 jackpots on the games they had there in like a matter of 30 minutes. I never got jackpots when I was little. She was pretty proud. I txted Austin to inform him of her luck and he said, "how much money did she win?" My response went something like this, "Aus, we took them to Chuckie Cheese, not casino aztar." He didn't appear to get the humor, but it sure gave me a chuckle. Coy on the other hand is 2, therefore couldn't focus much on one game for more than a couple seconds, but boy did he have a fun time putting tokens in the machine!
Tonight is going be pretty boring, but tommorow morning, bright and early Austin will be flying in. Cannot wait to see the little turkey. I am very proud of Austin and all his accomplishements with flying (it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get where he is with aviation), but boy oh boy its hard on girl not to see her friend very often. :-) But it sure is fun when I do see him!
You are going to be the perfect little WIFEY!